Kate Pearson from Safe Harbor Marinas Speaks with Kyle C Corbett from the Largest Marina Management Corporation in America

Kyle Corbett speaks about ocean conservation and connecting with nature with one of the head representatives from the largest marina management Corporation in the United States of America.  During this interview you will hear from Kyle Corbett and Kate Pearson.  This was recorded in 2018 and they speak about all of the amazing things that human beings can do in order to connect with nature while fostering amazing experiences for themselves and their families.

Ocean Conservation in California and Hawaii – Motivating Crew Travel

In this episode, Captain Kyle Corbett And one of our crew members speak about upcoming travel. We talk about motivating and inspirational messages given to us by our fans. We speak about what we are doing with our ocean conservation cause. Doing something for the world that is good feels good.

Nearing the end of season one in 2018, the motivation and inspiration seem to flow like water. That water is the Spicket we drink from and showing people what we feel most strongly about is what we do best. When these words are able to inspire others to listen to our story and then create their own… We have succeeded.