In this episode, Captain Kyle Corbett And one of our crew members speak about upcoming travel. We talk about motivating and inspirational messages given to us by our fans. We speak about what we are doing with our ocean conservation cause. Doing something for the world that is good feels good.

Captain Mike speaks about his upcoming trip to Hawaii and we have a new guest join our channel. You hear from Monica and her thoughts on what we are doing and being inspired by the boys doing some thing amazing. We also talk about what’s going on in the world today between human beings and mother nature. We speak about getting out there to see sights and sounds and experience the fresh air. The reasons that we do what we do as boat captains keep us moving and excited about the future.

Kyle Corbett speaks about upcoming travel as well as plans for the crew in the months to come.  We tell our guests about what keeps us going and what it is like to be a boat captain in San Diego and sail the waters of southern California.  We speak about the intrinsic benefits found within creating an organizational structure of networking individuals.  Our passion for mother nature and getting out there to see the world is what fuels us and we speak about this in our podcast.

Kyle Corbett and his crew go further and further to show the world what is going on with the ocean and what we can do to make a difference.  Kyle and Mike both have a devout passion for the ocean and they share that with our fans through this cast.  The most important note is to take a bit of inspiration from what has given them their motivation to keep going and do what they do.  This was recorded in 2018 and the two gentlemen speaking during most of the podcast were working 60 to 80 hour weeks most of the time.

.They are not bothered by the amount of work they do, and instead are very excited for the future to come. They also help each other out and the company that affords all of this podcast to be edited, produced, and listen to by our fans also paid for the travel that is spoken about during this cast.  Shortly after this podcast Mike and Monica would go out to Hawaii and visit friends and family while fishing, cleaning up beaches, and promoting more information about reduce impact.  Captain Kyle stayed back and ran the shop in order to keep things going at San Diego sailing tours.

Nearing the end of season one in 2018, the motivation and inspiration seem to flow like water.  That water is the Spicket we drink from and showing people what we feel most strongly about is what we do best.  When these words are able to inspire others to listen to our story and then create their own… We have succeeded.


We hope to learn some motivational and inspirational seeds with you and that your adventures are filled with travel and awesomeness.