About Us
About IMpulse UPgrade Podcast
Impulse Upgrade is a motivating story of success through people helping people. When we trust in our own adventure and those we meet along the way, we find new paths unplanned. Using those paths to bring ourselves to a positive place in life is what Kyle Corbett and his on air guests show us. Plan your future, find your motivation, and learn from others. Feel the IMpulse to UPgrade.
Goals and Vision
When was the last time you said that you regret something in life? Let’s change that. Sometimes we have to purge in order to surge. Let’s start with deleting the ‘R’ word form our vocabulary. Using the word ‘learn’ instead of ‘regret’ may bring us to a better place in life.
Dissecting that: The ‘R’ word has negative connotations to it which resonate in our minds. When we think of things that we learned from and use this negative word, we are placing a negative burden into our own brain regarding the way we have behaved in the past.
We are all proud of ourselves when we learn beneficial takeaways in life. Next time you have the IMpulse to use the ‘R’ word, restructure your sentence and include the word ‘Learn’. This will UPgrade your IMpulse.
Who I Am (Your Host : Kyle Corbett)
My name is Kyle C. Corbett and this is where I tell my story. I am a successful Actor, Comedian, Writer, and Entrepreneur – (OK – In Reverse Order). My story changes after COVID-19 and that a choice I’ve made and found the needed motivation for it. My goal is to enlighten and entertain many minds about how they can find the same motivation within themselves and manifest their own destiny.
Found in the words of these podcast episodes are the foundations for success that can be used by anyone who wants to achieve their goals. The guests on my show and their words are the building blocks of what we need to learn how we can manifest our mentors. I like to call these little pebbles of wisdom. When we learn how to respect the year on this earth of every unexpected potential mentors we come aross in our lives, we deepen our pockets’ ability to hold on to more useful pebbles which are the pieces to successful potential.
The Story
We as human beings are all story tellers. Story Telling is one the largest forms of marketing used today, if not the largest entirely. Huge corporations pay top dollar to consultants who assist them in teaching their own staff how to tell the story of their organization’s master message. This is what drives their ability to support their Mission Statements and pass their culture on to their customers.
Let’s talk about why. Since the dawn of day the most powerful tool in marketing and all human society is word of mouth. You can go online and learn from thousands of articles about why the most powerful marketing tool is always going to be word of mouth. You may wonder why this is and we are here to help shed light on that. People trust other people : simple as that. We make relationships and connections based on telling our story. This is the core principle as to how humans communicate and get along.
You will hear the comedians interviewed on this podcast speak about the #1 question they get and that is how they come up with their hilarious bits. They all have the same answer : from their own lives. They tell their own story. Tune in and learn how you can tell your story.
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Kyle Corbett
Impulse Upgrade Podcast
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Be inspired and find your true motivation. Motivation is as simple as its latin root definition: Reason and Action. Tune in and find yours today!