Hello guys, Kyle Corbett here,
Right down you will be able to check for yourself an excerpt of the book!
if you like what you read, then here is the link to buy the book and check for yourself everything that I discovered to get my business afloat during the turbulent times of 2020.
With nothing further to say, here it is:
Going a Mile a Minute with Nowhere to Go
Currently, I’m going about a mile a minute, and we all say that when we’re super stressed out, but it’s a factor of life we all deal with. We go too fast sometimes, and other times we wish we could go slower, but we know we shouldn’t. At least that’s the case for most of the productive few of us who push hard and make our way through life with productivity and wild amounts of success. 2020 has been interesting to say the least. My first appointment this morning was a telephone conference at 7:15 a.m. That conference was one I never expected to have. At least I never expected to have that telephone conference at this stage in my life. It was with somebody who works for the Government of California regarding the CalFresh program. CalFresh is essentially food stamps.
For the past seven years, I have been a consistent earner of over $100,000 net profit (often more than that after my personal living expenses). This is money that I can pay to myself, put in my bank account, keep, save, live off, invest, and thrive from. I’m applying for food stamps, and I operate a company that makes consistently well over a half a million dollars a year. I founded my company myself with an investment of $6,500 on a super-ugly 1967 thirty-six-foot sailboat in 2010, just after I graduated from Chapman University.
That vessel is now one of the most gorgeous boats in all of San Diego and is requested almost daily by people from all over Southern California. Every single day people drive down from my hometown of Los Angeles to sail with us on the beautiful San Diego Bay. The company is still open and operating; COVID-19 began over six months ago.
After more than three months of full isolation and complete shutdown by the federal government, which mandated we stay closed and not operate with nearly no relief offered to small business owners, it’s been an interesting struggle. This is not one I could have ever forecasted. This is not something that was in the game plan. This is not something that was ever written about in the free world’s government rule book. I thought I knew what was going on when I started a business, and I thought I knew what the ultimate pitfalls could be. It turns out I was wrong. It turns out a lot of the world was wrong. My father thought the internet was the worst thing in the world that had ever been created, and I always thought this was a silly old man’s thought. Thinking back on the collection of notes I created to write this book, it makes me wonder if he was actually correct. He might’ve been correct on a whole other level the rest of us will never understand.
The biggest thing I can find myself grateful for these days is the fact that my father died two years ago, and that means he never had to see any of this happen. He never had to watch his son’s business be shut down for three months entirely. He never had to watch our government create a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) in order to help out small businesses while they do nothing but benefit the major banks more than anyone else and do not distinguish between an essential business and a nonessential businesses. Essential businesses have been allowed to stay open and operate with im- punity the entire time. Those businesses are offered the same amount of PPP funding as the rest of the small businesses in America. A large amount of those small businesses have now closed. Corporate America is thriving, while small business owners go home after packing up the boxes, attempting to hold their heads high but feeling deep shame for having no control over the one thing they were never going to let happen.
The livelihoods of many people have been broken, destroyed, and dragged through the dirt. No one has any answers as to why. The entire world feels unfair. The American fair economy we all operate in has somehow gone away. The Chapters of this book describe one small business owner’s experience with the pandemic that swept the world via news media, social media headlines, political agendas, and the all too false notion of what we should actually be concerned about, how we should react, and what the answers are to protect the world from something that’s not killing the human beings who live on it. Don’t get me wrong. COVID-19 has killed many people, but the perception is what I’m talking about. The perception of what’s going on in the world is skewed. It’s spoken about in media headlines, confusing everyone and turning people into sheeple—human sheep.
Each grocery store run I do, I walk the parking lot, hearing people’s radios play outside their cars as they load their groceries and their families back into their car. On every single one of those radios I hear the words COVID-19, pandemic, or coronavirus, audible on the speakers of every person. It’s actually impossible to have any kind of connection to digital media at this point in the year 2020 without constantly being reminded there’s something called a pandemic going on in the world. Some might call it a pandemic, and the majority of people would cause you to be known as a bearer of false witness if you deny the word pandemic, shaming you for decreeing the world’s worst flu isn’t the largest threat against the human population…
And that’s it guys, this is not even the first chapter of the book, it’s just a prologue if you want to call it that.
Let me know what you think and if you are eager for more you can click this link and get the book for yourself!
With nothing much for today, see you guys.
Kyle Corbett.
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